“All that I have drawn, all that I have written came towards me, out of my will, without my knowledge, because I have always been ashamed of welcoming images. This shame has been with me for all that I have done. It has been almost 50 years that I’ve been living by lying on top of my papers. I have drunk my shame. And if I want to go even further and answer the only question that awaits me: why am I ashamed?
I can answer in the manner of my mother who recommanded me, during my childhood, never to say anything. She believed that we were here to silence others, what we had suffered, or what we knew. Wherefrom this impression of great embarassement to confess to be drawing, to confess to writing, and holding me back from breaking out”.
“The task had a certain graphism. I needed to find what I was looking for. I didn’t know very well what I wanted to express. The task reflected a type of landscape inside. It permitted me to interpret my own death” – Fred Deux, Paroles d’artiste (Artist’s words), Fage éditions, Lyon 2017