Arthur AESCHBACHER (1923-2020)
Born in Geneva in 1923, the artist worked a lot in France. The last retrospective exhibition of his work took place in 2006 at “Abattoirs d’Avallon”. He also exhibited at the Musée du Louvre, Centre Pompidou, Musée Galliéra…
Considered to be more a “poster artist” or even “lettriste”, the artist always occupied a place apart. Morale questions plays out in his works: “How does things degrade and emerge, how are they restored? How does time create his work? How is a theatre arranged?” By the grace of the painter, his wise glue and savage rifts, some unstable delicacies were created.
At the technical level, the operations are not confined to the beauties of aesthetes, simply sampled, or fetishes placed to close a hole; the manipulations are light, fragile and tender scaffoldings of the painting. And in this work are found no other lesson (but still a huge one) than to remember that we are interested in seeing the drama and wonder of the marvelous spectacle of the world and the activity of men elsewhere than where we usually seek them…” – Claude Minière.